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To-Do Lists: Not Always the Answer?

Recently, I listened to one of my very first podcasts (<--- embarrassing fact about me). I often don’t take the time to tune out from day-to-day life and tune in to something for my own enlightenment and enjoyment.

Mitch Joel, along with Seth Godin, present an interesting discussion on the benefits of actively seeking tension in your life (Remember one of my 3 words for 2015: uncomfortable? It’s back!): Seth Godin Doesn't Want You to Be Missed When You're Gone . I’m confident that everyone who listens will walk away with a different nugget of their own from this podcast. I was personally fascinated by a quick chat about to-do lists, and how sometimes they can actually prevent people from doing more with their lives.


What?!?! To-do lists are my specialty (along with a healthy obsession for highlighting and post-it notes). I generally prefer the paper variety (except for groceries, as you know!). I manage daily life using a series of lists to keep everything straight (homework, bills, kids’ activities, more homework). I’ve always thought of this as a true talent of mine, so I was almost offended by the notion that maybe, just maybe, I’m missing something! Over-scheduling my life this way leaves little room for the unknown. It’s getting me through the day on task and on schedule, but fails to consider those tense moments that might be waiting in the wings unnoticed.

So, off I went to Google. Are there other slaves to the to-do list that have discovered what they are missing out on? Turns out, there is! After a few searches, I found Jenn Swanson (certified Master NLP Practitioner and Conflict Coach - and busy mom!). She is better known as The Communication Diva, and has dedicated her online presence to helping others improve the many roles that communication plays in our lives.

Jenn’s free podcast, Busy: The New 4-Letter Word, sounded like a great place to start an investigation about what I could be missing out on in my busy list-filled life. The podcast summary easily lured me in by touching on a few topics that I often deal with as a busy mom: meeting expectations, learning to say no, and trying to be all things to all people (among others!). Her informative presentation (professionally framed on either end by pleasant and upbeat music) featured Jenn chatting about her own daily challenges. She provided thoughtful insight designed to help us let go of the reins just a little bit and live life more fully. Although it was one-sided and pre-recorded, she breezed through what felt like a casual, half-hour sit-down over coffee.

I took many a nugget away from this podcast. My personal “ah-ha” moment was when Jenn mentioned that the recent break in her podcasts was due to her focus on going back to school (No way! Me too!). It’s ok to focus all of your attention on school and let a few things go? Wow!

What will you let go of today in order to make way for personal growth and happiness? Along with listening to Jenn’s podcast, I’m thinking the laundry is a great place to start!

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